Rosali Redd

Pure Blooded Garlean (Dalmascan Born)
Age: 20 (May 13th)
Gender/Pronuns: Female (She/Her)
Sexuality: Bisexual (Kinsey Scale 4)
Relationship Status: Monogamous/Taken
Height: 5'10"
Build: Athletic

I. Distant Past

Born in Dalmasca to a pair of soldiers during the Garlean occupation of Rabanastre, Rosali, barely a woman, has never set foot on her nation's soil.To make matters worse, her parents were slain during the occupation. Without a guiding hand she found herself wandering the city alone, learning to steal to survive. Seeing what the occupation had done, she instead took up with a group of rebels, helping to fix machinery and hide those who were targets of the Garlean occupation. As the rebels were hid herself among were captured, she ran.She was able to hide herself among the Garlean soldiers until she met with a performance troupe, securing her own route out of the city as the member of a circus.

II. Recent Past

Now in Ul'dah she has set about trying to make friends and build a life.After first arriving, she started working as a retainer for an Ul'dahn noble and passing the time the work with art projects.As she settled comfortable she started to explore more, out into the lands of Eorzea, taking in the sights and working along the way to survive.

RP Hooks

  • Pureblood Garlean: Having never grown up on her home soil she is always curious about stories other Garleans have to tell about it.

  • Magi-Tek: Her passion and means of income. Her personal firearm has been heavily augmented by her. For the right price she is willing to lend her mind and hands to the creation of more.

  • Show Woman: Trick shots, acrobatics, dancing. The woman made her way to Eorzea with a travelling circus where she parted ways with them. While no longer in their service, she has established a reputation for trick shots in particular among performers.

  • Fledgling Adventurer: She just started her career in adventuring. Perhaps you have seen her out working.

  • Criminal: Not all circles she frequents are reputable with the law. Perhaps you have heard of her through contacts or an information broker. (DM for specifics with this plot hook)

  • Courtesan: Business is pleasure and pleasure is one her businesses. (If you are looking for this, please send a /tell or DM and we can talk details. 21+ OoC only)

II. The Present

Ul'dah no longer suiting her needs, Rosali departed the desert city, finding a new home amongst the Limsan folk. From here she only grew her talents, adapting to the ways of the port city.At first she used her charm and looks to win many a sailor over, peddling her Tek wares or herself to those with an interest, establishing rapport with the various crews that sailed. Recently she found herself settled into the life of a recruit in the criminal underworld, wishing to ensure her own freedom and better appreciate the fineries she grew to love in Ul'dah.


  • Headstrong

  • Perceptive

  • Curious

  • Rebellious

  • Demi-sexual/ Demi-romantic

  • Introverted (Feel free to approach though! Player is OoC friendly)


Player is 21+ and asks you be at least that old as well if ERP occurs in addition to it making sense ICly. (Non-Negotiable)Lover of Long Term plots and slow burn. Always looking for more friends. (Character will not have one night stands.) ♥Any other questions? Feel free to send a /tell. ♥Carrd is updated with changing character status. Check back as you will. ♥


  • Hourly Rate (SFW): 100k per hour (Any RP that is not of an ERP Nature, this can include showing up to events with you.)

  • Hourly Rate (NSFW): 150/k per hour (Any RP that involves ERP as part of the scene)

SFW Services Offered

  • Attending Events: Rosali will attend an event providing company for the evening in appropriate or provided attire (Casual, Beach, Formal, Club Venues)

  • Bartending: Bartending services will be provided dressed in appropriate or provided attire. (Location and description of attire to be provided by requestor of this service)

  • Other: Contact In Game or Discord for all other requests not included in the above options.

NSFW Services Offered

These scenes may be of any nature discussed when requesting NSFW services. This includes both of our limits. Failure to respect limits (after an OoC warning) will result in the scene ending.